Can I Use Windex On Car Interiors (10 Other Uses Of Windex)

If you’re a car owner looking for ways to clean the Interiors of your car, you might have thought at some point, Can I Use Windex On Car Interiors? Windex is a good choice for the hard surfaces in your car Interior. 

A spray of Windex surface cleaner on the dashboard, steering wheel, and upholstery will leave your car as clean as brand new.

In this guide on how to use Windex on car interiors, you’ll learn other uses for Windex surface cleaner that you had no idea were possible.

Table of Contents

What is Windex?

Windex is an American brand of hard surface cleaners. It is used for cleaning surfaces without leaving any residue stains. It kills 99.9% of viruses and bacteria on the surfaces it works on.

Windex is a popular surface cleaner that has stood the test of time and is increasingly gaining popularity due to its effectiveness.

It is a perfect cleaner for all your hard, nonporous surfaces and works perfectly for kitchen countertops, bathrooms, tiles, stainless steel, and other smooth home surfaces.


  • Water is a base in the solution
  • 2-Hexoxyethanol cleaning agent
  • Isopropanolamine cleaning agent
  • Ammonium Hydroxide cleaning agent
  • Lauryl Dimethyl Amine Oxide Wetting agent
  • Sodium Dodecylbenzene sulfonate wetting agent
  • Fragrance
  • Liquitint sky blue dye

Can I Use Windex On Car Interiors?

Yes, Windex effectively melts grease and breaks down dirt build-up in areas where your soap and detergent won’t work, especially in car interiors.

It is a known cleaning agent for countertops, glass tabletops, glass cooktops, tiles, marble, and other hard surfaces around the house.

However, many do not know it is also an effective cleaner for car interiors. 

Spray a generous amount of Windex surface cleaner on your dashboard or steering wheel and let it sit for a few minutes, then wipe it clean with a towel.


  • Spray Windex surface cleaner on stains on the hard surfaces in the car interiors
  • Let it sit for 10-15 minutes for the stains to absorb the solution.
  • Use a towel or soft sponge to scrub the dirt gently.
  • Repeat the process if the stain persists and deep the towel in cold water to clean the surface residue.

Other Uses For Windex

Many recall seeing their parents or housekeepers use Windex on windows and glass tabletops.

But that is just one of the many areas to clean with Windex. The sky blue surface cleaner is as versatile as it is effective.

Sparkle Jewellery

Instead of spending extra on jewelry cleaners, you can as well use Windex to give your jewelry the shine it lacks. However, be mindful of the type of jewelry you use Windex on. 

You can use the ammonium-alcohol solution on hard, nonporous jewelry, not soft, porous jewelry like opals, turquoise, pearls, shells, or coral.

Laundry Stains

Stain ketchup, tomato sauce, red wine, and palm oil are enemies of your fabrics. Getting them out of your fabrics can sometimes take work. 

You may end up damaging your fabrics to get rid of the stains. Lightly spray Windex directly on the stains and let it absorb for 15 minutes.

Gently blot with a towel or soft sponge and rinse cold water directly on the fabric. 

For best results, use the uncolored version of Windex to remove stains from the fabric. When using Windex on clothes, avoid delicate silk fabrics.

Soften Build-up Grease

As an effective degreaser, Windex can soften built-up grease throughout the kitchen, especially on range hoods, fans, and light fixtures that are difficult to clean. 

Spray the surface liberally, allow it to sit for 10 minutes, and then wipe it down. Rinse thoroughly with water to remove any cleanser residue on food preparation surfaces.

Zap Bugs

Windex is an effective surface cleaner and an excellent anti-bug solution. Spray a little Windex on areas with bug colonies; they’ll curl up and die within minutes. 

Do not spray Windex on bees or wasps because it doesn’t work on them instantly, and the bees may sting you.

You can also use it as an insect-repellent spray. Spray at tight corners and window/door edges to keep the insects away.

For Cars

Windex is a great option for cleaning your car. It will eliminate built-up gunk on the windows, dashboards, steering wheel, and upholstery. 

It is a non-greasy solution, so you don’t have to worry about slippery residue or damage on the upholstery and faux wood surfaces. You can also remove dead bugs and tree sap from car surfaces.

Kitchen Counters

Windex is an extremely effective degreaser that can soften built-up grease on kitchen surfaces, especially hard-to-cleans areas like fans, smoke extractors, and light fixtures. 

Spray liberally on the surface, let it sit for 10 minutes, and wipe it away. Rinse it thoroughly with cold water to remove any cleanser residue on food preparation surfaces.

Kids Toys

You cannot prevent your kid’s toys from getting dirty. No matter how often you clean them, they’re always contaminated with food particles, accumulated dirt, spit-up, and germs. 

A quick spray of Windex cleaner can restore the toys to their brand-new looks.

Spray the toys with a little bit of Windex and let the dirt soak the solution. Use a sponge or cloth to wipe it off after a while.

Patio Furniture

Windex can effectively clean all outdoor furniture like aluminum, resin, plastic, glass, etc.

When exposed to the environment, these pieces of furniture are susceptible to discoloration or having a full look due to the elements they are exposed to. 

Windex has proven effective in restoring outdoor furniture to a brighter and cleaner look.

Microfiber Upholstery

Maintaining soft synthetic microfiber can be tough. The wrong cleaning agents and methods can leave your soft and attractive fibers looking tacky and unattractive. 

But a simple spritz of Windex on the fibers can work wonders and revive the materials.

Lightly spray the surface with Windex, be careful not to spray too much of the solution in order not to soak the fibers. Use a soft brush or cloth to scrub gently in the same direction.

Decorative Crystal

Decorative Crystal and cut glass pieces are such a beautiful sight. They improve your home’s appearance but are easily the catchall for dust particles and dirt. Gently pick up each piece and spray it with Windex surface cleaner.

Use a cotton swab for smaller curvatures and a towel for wider crevices to restore their clean and shiny looks.

Tips For Using Windex On Surfaces

  • Always wear rubber gloves to prevent skin irritation from Ammonium Hydroxide in the solution.
  • Don’t use Windex on tinted or painted surfaces to avoid removing the paint’s pigment.

Read Also: Can I Clean TV with Windex?

Frequently Asked Questions

Is using Windex on car paint harmful?

Household cleaners like Windex contain powerful chemicals which can be harsh and are typically too abrasive for paint. 

A car would be as durable as glass, but the paint is not. Windex is abrasive enough to remove paint, fade the coat, cause corrosion, and discolor the paint.

What is the best cleaning item to clean car windows with?

Wipe the windshield with a clean, dry microfiber cloth to remove dust or dirt. 

Then use another cloth to apply rubbing alcohol (a bit) to remove grease from the glass. Use your microfiber cloth to wipe the glass in a circular motion after spraying your glass cleaner on the other side (not the windshield).

What should you not use Windex on?

You should not Windex Cleaner on the following

  • To clean your laptop
  • Don’t use it on your skin
  • Don’t mix Windex cleaner with bleach
  • Don’t use Windex cleaner on granite countertops
  • Don’t use Windex cleaner to wipe down your HDTV
  • Don’t spray Windex cleaner on fine or uncoated wood.

Why is Windex blue?

During the 1960s, Windex’s original recipe used a translucent blue dye to make it stand out from the crowd, which is why most glass cleaners are blue. Due to the popularity of this product, many customers began associating glass cleaners with light blue spray.

Can I Use Windex on everything?

Tinted windows, mirrors, glass, chrome, stainless steel, plastic, and vinyl surfaces can all be cleaned with Windex® Ammonia-Free Glass Cleaner.

Can I use Windex on car windows?

Windex can be used on car windows and to clean the inside of your windshield. 

Despite some suggestions to skip Windex with tinted windows, there is no evidence that Windex with ammonia causes problems. You may want to skip if a third party tinted your windows.


If you’ve always wondered can I use Windex on car interiors, you’re probably familiar with how effectively Windex works on hard surfaces. 

Even though it is not suitable for all surfaces as the chemicals in the solution can be harsh for soft porous surfaces, it is great for cleaning surfaces with stubborn stains and greasy build-ups.

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