Can You Paint Outlets (5 Best Steps To Take)

Can you paint outlets? This is usually a typical question people ask, especially when they move into a new home.

Painting outlets is one easy thing to do to an outlet other than replacing them, and most times, the thought of painting the outlets becomes more potent when we have outlets whose colors do not match the wall.

When we move into a new house, we love giving the house a new look, giving it that touch that we want, and making it feel cozy and enchanting to the eyes so that whoever enters our home is impressed.

Most times, instead of rewiring or changing the outlets to the color of the house since they come in various colors, we tend to save ourselves the stress by painting outlets, and the question becomes, “Can you paint outlets? The answer is YES, only if you do it safely.

What’s an Outlet?

We have been talking about outlets and if it is good to paint them, but the question one may want to have an answer to is, what is an outlet?

An outlet means a “receptacle” in the electrical code. That is the point where your appliances are plugged into. Most outlets are situated on the wall.

During the wiring of the house or buildings, outlets are created by the electricians or electrical engineers in charge of the wiring of electricity in the establishment or our home.

The essence is to create what we may call a receptacle in the electrical code, the point that receives our appliances and transfers electricity to them, making our electrical appliances function well.

If there is a fault with our outlet or a bridge in the conduction of electricity by our outlets, your electrical appliances connected to such outlet won’t function,

The reason why it won’t function is not farfetched; it is because your appliance will no longer receive the electrical energy needed to move it or enable it to work. So outlets are critical.

Can You Paint Outlets?

Can you paint an outlet? Well, the answer is YES, but then is it the best thing to do for your outlet, is painting the outlet the best something you can offer your outlets?

One of the reasons why people paint their outlets is to give them this matching appearance with the walls of their house or home or building.

But then the question is that enough reason to want to paint your outlets?

Of a truth, giving your outlets a matching appearance with your wall is very beautiful and aesthetic, but there are other excellent alternatives to the painting the outlets.

Instead of rewiring your outlets, why not change the cover of your outlets to match the color of the wall of your building since the outlet’s body comes in various colors, and your safety and that of your household are guaranteed.

So the answer to the question “Can I paint outlets? It is a YES, but is it the best thing to do? “No”.

How To Paint Electric Outlets

Before you begin painting, there are a few things you must do first, and they are

  • Stick to painting the electric cover only
  • Unscrew the outlet from the wall before painting
  • You can use any non-conductive type of paint. Spray paint is best recommended.

1. Remove the outlet cover

This is the first thing you must do to paint your electric outlet. Almost every outlet is held on the wall by screws (usually 4) that can be removed within seconds if you have the right tool.

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Once you’ve removed the screws, pop the outlet cover with a sharp object. But if your outlets have no visible screws, chances are that they may be held by tabs which can be removed using any non-conducive tool to pop the tabs.

Once you’ve succeeded in doing this, place it on a cardboard sheet, or anything else you feel could work.

2. Clean and prepare the electric outlet cover

To get the painting right, you must clean the covers first. Since the covers are made with plastic, you use a clean rag and water to get it clean. If the outlet is very dirty, add dish soap to the water.

After cleaning, put it out in the sun to dry out quickly. Alternatively, you can use sandpaper to roughen the surface of the outlet. This allows your paint to stick better.

3. Apply a primer coat

Primers are often used to paint plastic. Glossy plastic, for example is tough to paint because it peeps off. This is often known as an undercoat which is the first layer you apply to the cover of the outlet.

On the other hand, using a primer coat will stick to the surface of the plastic and prevent flaking.

Here is how to apply your primer coat

  • Lay the electric outlet cover on a flat surface
  • Cover it with long and even strokes. To get an even stroke, go beyond the edge of the electric outlet cover.
  • Allow the primer to dry out before applying the paint.

4. Paint the electric outlet cover

In this stage, it doesn’t matter whether you’re using spray paint, acrylic, or anything else. The procedure is the same.

First, apply a thin, even coat all over the electric outlet. You should do at least 2-3 coats to get a perfect painting. But it would be best to allow each layer you coated to dry out before applying the next coat.

Remember that some paint takes up to the whole day to dry out, so always check the label before use.

5. Apply Varnish

While it is okay to skip this process, I found it helpful when I painted my old leather sneakers.

As I stated, this stage is not a must, but you’ll be doing yourself a great disservice if you skip the finish coat, as the paint will flake off within days, mainly if you use the electric outlet often.

I recommend you use it to finish your little project. You can use any brand to do this task, but I recommend you use Krylon K01305 Clear Coating on Amazon.

You can use this product on both UV-resistant and plastic, which you need to prevent the yellow appearance on white plastic.

Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Paint Outlets

There are reasons why you shouldn’t paint an outlet, and some of the reasons why you shouldn’t paint an outlet include the following;


There are chances of paint clumps in crevices clogging the openings in the outlet, which results in difficulties when inserting the blades from the plug.

When you try to force the blades in, there are chances of damage, or it might lead to a poor connection with the internal contacts creating a hazardous condition.

Sometimes, paint chips can fall off the outlet or switch after repeated use creating a health hazard for young children and pets.

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When you paint your outlets, you are at greater risk of ruining the paint on your wall. Why try to get the wallplate off the wall whenever there is an electrical problem, and your device needs to be upgraded or even replaced?


The beauty you desire wouldn’t be there with a painted outlet; deep down, you sure know that something is missing because the sight will look coordinated, but it is never a pretty sight.

It has a high chance of looking okay initially, but the surface lacks smoothness, and the paint will eventually crack and chip.

Paint may prevent complete electrical contact between the plug and outlet

Paint may prevent complete electrical contact between the plug and outlet because of obstruction on the path by paint particles, which happens when paint or drywall mud gets into the slots of the outlet.

When it gets into the outlet slots, it prevents the appliance from making complete metal contact inside the outlet.

There are risks associated with preventing appliances from making complete metal contact inside an outlet due to blockage by paint or drywall mud and of the chances of having built heat, and if this happens, then rest assured that it increases the risk of a fire.

When you must replace

Some situations call for the outright replacement of outlets, and when you find yourself in such a situation, do not attempt anything other than replacing the outlets.

Any outlets (receptacles) painted over or with drywall mud on them should be replaced.

One of the reasons why you should do it is for safety reasons. Nearly all home inspectors think that the painted outlets be replaced in their reports.

One beautiful thing about outlets is that they’re inexpensive and easy to change.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use wall paint on electric outlets?

No, it would be best if you didn’t use wall paint on electrical outlets. Using it on an electric outlet will damage the electrical components inside. Wet wall paints can cause a short when you plug a load into the outlet, which may cause the outlet to explode or catch fire in your house.

Dry paint can cause overheating problems and likewise cause fire outbreaks.

Can I paint the electric outlet cover without removing it?

No. You must remove it first. If you don’t, you risk the paint getting into the receptacles, which can cause a fire outbreak in your home.

Remember, applying tape over the socket to save stress won’t protect it from the paint, as it can easily find its way to the socket as the outlet cover dries.

What color is best for wall outlets?

I’d say white. White switches and outlets go well with black, metal, gray, and all other color plates. It would be best if you gave it a try.

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I am sure you have your question on Can you paint outlets? Well, for emphasis’ sake, the answer is YES, but then is it the best thing to do for your outlet, is painting the outlet the best something you can offer your outlets?

If you can replace them, believe me, that is the best thing you can do for yourself and your family so that you do not put them in danger.

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