Pine Sol on Engineered Wood Floors – Can I Use It & How Safe is It?

Are you considering using Pine Sol on engineered wood floors, and you are worried since you don’t know what its effect will be?

Are there stories you have heard about Pine-Sol that you have been wondering if it is the best choice for your engineered wood floors?

You can use Pine Sol on engineered wood floors, provided you have diluted it. It is safe to use.

It contains safe cleaning active ingredients like ethoxylated undecyl alcohol and pine oil, which are safe to use on hardwood floors.

But you have to be careful of the quantity of water because using too much water can harm your floors. It is also essential to follow the instructions on the bottle precisely to ensure your safety.

This article answers all your questions on whether you can use Pine Sol on Engineered wood floors, how to use it, and what safety measures to take.

Pine Sol: Everything You Need To Know

When you talk about Pine Sol is a registered trademark brand of the Clorox Company and has been a staple cleaning agent in American households since 1929 

After disinfecting, it leaves a pleasant scent that gives your appliances, walls, and floor a shining appearance.

It is one of the most popular and favorite cleaning solutions on the market, and it can be used on solid-engineered and hardwood floors.

This cleaning product is so much talked about because it is one of the few excellent cleaners on hardwood floors.

One characteristic of Pine-Sol is its strong scent which does not make it hazardous or toxic for humans.

All you have to do is to dilute it because once diluted, Pine-Sol works well on all hardwood floors cleaning it, disinfecting it, and as well as giving your floor a new and fresh look.

Engineered Wood Floor: All You Have To Know

Engineered wood floors are constructed from alternating wood layers that have been compressed using high heat and pressure.

As a result of the extra care taken in its production, engineered wood is more long-standing than solid wood.

Engineered wood floors are usually easier to care for and harder to dent, scratch, or scuff. 

Can You Use Pine Sol on Engineered Wood Floors?

Of course you can, Pine-Sol is safe for engineered wood floors as it is for solid wood.

You can use Pine Sol on engineered wood floors, provided you have diluted it. It is safe to use.

It contains ethoxylated undecyl alcohol, a cleaning agent, and pine oil—all safe ingredients on hardwood floors.

But you have to be careful of the quantity of water because using too much water can harm your floors. It is also essential to follow the instructions on the bottle precisely to ensure your safety.

Wondering about the manufacturer’s instructions? The manufacturers of these leading floor cleaning agents believe you dilute before using the product.

The dilution ratio is 1/4 cup of cleaner to one gallon of water. If you have stubborn scuffs or stains on your hardwood, apply Pine Sol full-strength to the dirty area using a soft brush or sponge to avoid scratching the finish.

After spotting and cleaning your floor with Pine Sol, rinse well by mopping it with clean water.

Tools for cleaning

The secret of a clean and sparkling engineered floor lies in using the correct proportion of cleaner and the right tools.

To give your engineered floors a thorough deep cleaning, you’ll need the following:

  • Broom, dust mop, or vacuum
  • Conventional mop or a microfiber mop
  • Toothbrush or sponge for tougher stains
  • Bucket
  • Clean towel
  • Gloves (for protection for those with sensitive skin)
  • Cleaning products safe for hardwood floors
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How to Use Pine Sol

Using Pine Sol is very easy to use, and you get the top-notch experience associated with its if you can follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the bottle religiously.

One of the conditions or instructions is to mop your engineered floor surface with your diluted Pine Sol this solution without leaving any excess water.

And the reason why this condition was given is that too much moisture can warp or crack the flooring.

You can use Undiluted Pine-Sol straight only when needed, which involves more stubborn and greasy stains.

Do not forget always to use a soft cloth or fabric so that you do not put your engineered floor at risk of being damaged.

The steps below will guide you on getting a top-notch effect after using your favorite Pine Sol on engineered wood floors and not risk damaging it.

  • Vacuum the floor and sweep it thoroughly
  • Fill a bucket with the diluted Pine-Sol
  • Use the solution to mop your floor
  • Ensure that you leave no puddles of excess fluids
  • Rinse with water
  • Dry the floor with a clean towel.

How To Use Pine Sol For Cleaning Stubborn Stain

For the best results in removing tough stains on wood floors, use undiluted Pine-Sol to clean them. Follow these steps for effective results.

  • Add undiluted Pine-Sol to the affected stained area.
  • Scrub away the stain using an old toothbrush, sponge, or cloth for the best result.
  • Never use steel wool or scouring pads to clean the affected stained area, as that removes the sealant from the flooring, resulting in stains and damaging the wood underneath.
  • Now clean the area with a cloth after removing the dirt or stain.
  • Ensure you wipe the floor dry and do not leave excess cleaner on the floor.

Ensure the area is dry enough before walking on it so there will be no visible streaks once you’re done.

Cleaning with Pine-Sol “Squirt”

The spray version of Pine-Sol is also available in a spray bottle. It’s convenient, but it’s not recommended for hardwood floors.

The spray product is concentrated and might be too much, leaving residue that feels sticky underfoot.

However, the Squirt product can spot-clean stubborn stains on your hardwood floors. For instance, you could use it to remove hair dye off your wood furniture, but not if it’s penetrated past the sealant or laminate.

Safety Tips on How To Use Pine Sol Cleaner

  • Make sure you protect yourself by wearing appropriate gloves and a face mask.
  • Always use a soft cloth, sponge, or mop when cleaning your hardwood floors.
  • Dry mop as soon as possible after using Pine-Sol to remove all the excess water
  • Ensure that children and pets are away whenever you are cleaning.
  • Whip any spill quickly with a microfiber cloth while you are cleaning.
  • Always refer to the product instructions on the bottle to learn the exact quantity of Pine-Sol that should be mixed with water.
  • You can use Pine-Sol directly from the bottle for more challenging stains and clean them with a sponge or toothbrush.
  • Avoid steel wool or scouring pads, which permanently damage your hardwood floor.

Is Pine-Sol Safe on Hardwood Floors?

Solid wood floors are built from the use of solid wood. They come in cherry wood, oak, ash, maple, and poplar variations.

Sanding and refurbishing hardwood floors can be done, but you must seal them before cleaning them with Pine-Sol, or they will stain.

If the floors are sealed, you can use Pine-Sol on your hardwood floors without problems. For unsealed floors, use Murphy’s Oil Soap Cleaner, among others.

Must I Wear Gloves When Using Pine-Sol?

Pine-Sol has EPA approval; its gentle formula won’t irritate your skin if it accidentally gets on your body. However, you should avoid getting it on your hands if you have sensitive skin.

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Alternatively, use gloves when handling any all-purpose cleaner since using your bare hands in the water might leave them feeling dry.

For a safe cleaning experience, gloves are the best way to prevent the anti-microbial ingredients in Pine-Sol formula from stripping away beneficial bacteria.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I Need to Rinse Pine-Sol Off Floors?

After using Pine-Sol, you won’t need to rinse your floors. You’ll get a streak-free finish without sticky residue if you dilute it according to the instructions. It works to remove dirt and grime from wooden floors quickly.

Is Pine-Sol Good for Wood Veneer Floors?

You can use Pine-Sol on all types of laminate wood flooring. This material is far cheaper than traditional hardwood flooring. Also, it won’t delaminate your floor, and you get a clean, streak-free finish.

Can You Use Pine-Sol to Mop Wood Floors?

Yes. You can mop your wooden floor with 1/4 cup Pine-Sol and a gallon of water. Dilute the cleaner in water and mop using a high-quality mop.

Consider replacing your old mop with a newer one for the best results. If your mop head is old and dirty, no matter what cleaner you use, you won’t get good results.

Does Pine-Sol Contain Phosphorus or Ammonia?

No. These chemicals will damage your wood floors.

Is Pine-Sol Environmentally Friendly and biodegradable?

EPA-approved Pine-Sol is an environmentally friendly cleaning agent with biodegradable ingredients that break down into inert compounds when exposed to the environment.

Does Pine Sol Have an Expiration Date?

According to the producers of Pine-Sol, the cleaner has a two-year shelf life. However, some people have gotten away with using it long after the expiration date.

The cleaner might become lighter as the two-year shelf life elapses, but the active ingredients still effectively clean off the dirt from your wood floors.

Does Pine-Sol Contain Ingredients that could cause Allergic Reactions?

EPA-approved Pine-Sol is an environmentally safe product that won’t harm people or pets. If you do not consume it or get it in your eyes, Pine-Sol won’t harm your health. It also has a pleasant scent, leaving your house fresh and clean with a pleasant scent.

Is Pine-Sol Safe to Use Around My Pets?

Yes, Pine-Sol products can be used in areas with pets, provided you do not let your pet ingest the liquid.

Is the Scent of Pine-Sol Safe for Babies or Pregnant Women?

Since Pine-Sol products meet federal safety regulations, they’re safe to use.

However, to ensure the safety of Pine-Sol or any all-purpose cleaning products, following the label instructions and precautionary text on the product’s bottle is important. Children and pets should never have access to cleaning products.

Wind Up

I am sure your question on whether you can use Pine Sol on Engineered wood floors has been answered, and you are well-informed now about Pine Sol.

You can use Pine Sol on engineered wood floors, provided you have diluted it. It is safe to use.

It contains safe cleaning active ingredients like ethoxylated undecyl alcohol and pine oil, which are safe to use on hardwood floors.

But you have to be careful of the quantity of water because using too much water can harm your floors. It is also essential to follow the instructions on the bottle precisely to ensure your safety.

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